受冠病疫情严重冲击,马印航空(Malindo Air)裁员一半以上的员工,以应对航空业严峻的运营形势。
据新闻网站“The Vibes”获得的内部管理声明指称,该航空有3200员工,并裁退2200名员工,并将公司规模缩减至5架波音737飞机和6架ATR喷气式飞机。
管理声明称,留下的员工需要 "身兼数职"(multitaksing)。
I’ve said my goodbye to this beasty. There was never a day i wasn’t happy to be around you. I have accepted the fate and i know this is not anyone’s fault. Aviation industry is just very sick:(
It was a pleasure team,it was an honor Malindo.Irriana Azreen signing out. pic.twitter.com/A5hy5Ao2Fn
— Samara (@irriananana) October 30, 2020
许多空姐与空少也上载在机舱的照片,分享自己在职场的点滴。 “失去一份你热爱的工作,就像失去了自己一样......”
My heart is crying, like the rain. It’s pouring.
— Ara (@arsysbri) October 31, 2020
也有空姐对马印航空深情喊话:“一日职员,终生职员”,感恩自己能在职场学习不少知识。 职员也祝福仍然留在马印航空的同事们前程似锦,也希望早日度过疫情难关,盼有朝一日能重新回到马印航空这个“大家庭”。
30th October 2020. Thank you Malindo Air for the best memories. Being the only Punjabi female in aircraft engineering in Malaysia, so close to getting my license. It meant alot. 5 years 4 months were wonderful. Also being pregnant to the challenging breastfeeding journey. Haha. pic.twitter.com/zC20XUM3Ao
— hasvinkaurgill ツ (@mrs_ssd) October 31, 2020