06 Feb 17
San Francisco Coffee才卖RM1?!

San Francisco Coffee推出超好康的RM1优惠!此优惠特限CIMB银行卡成员,只需要使用CIMB Pay Mobile App付费,既能享有此优惠!(拥有特定使用条规,优惠至2017年3月15日)

Terms and conditions

  • Offer is valid only for payments made with CIMB credit and debit Mastercard® through CIMB Pay or a Mastercard® Contactless card.
  • CIMB Pay is only available on NFC-enabled mobile devices running on Android 4.4 or later.
  • Each customer is only allowed to redeem one item per day from each participating merchant respectively.
  • Total redemption are available on a first-come first serve basis (San Francisco Coffee: 3,300)
  • Customer must present their e-receipt (CIMB Pay) or original receipts (Contactless card) upon redemption.


Source: http://freebiesland.my/2017/02/san-francisco-coffee-rm1-promotion.html


【中学毕业生看这里!】Suma College数字营销(Digital Marketing)科系:商业营销、广告创作、数据分析、社媒运营一次过学!
