06 Apr 20
【It's A Prank!】打电话给亲友称自己『染上冠病』遭网友开骂!事后发文:不要被媒体的标题所误导,断章取义!


这名名为MiaoMiao(Agnes Ma)的网红和男友Chris日前录制影片,想测试亲友们知道自己患上新冠肺炎的反应。他们致电给网红好友,包括杨虹玲(Yang Bao Bei杨宝贝)和碰碰姐弟等。杨宝贝更是在接到消息后,立即爆哭。更夸张的是,两人还打电话给女方的爸爸,整了自己爸爸一遍。





「以上是截取自原影片結尾」 首先,造成這個不良示範 本人在這裡先向大家說真的很對不起 在此本人想澄清在影片中並沒有對大眾傳播關於我們中了Covid19。 在影片的一開頭,我们已經說明只是在與朋友之間的通話中開玩笑,藉此看看他們有什麼想對我們說。在通電話當下我們也有立刻對朋友澄清我們正在拍測試影片,並沒有感染 covid19, 而在得到朋友的允許後我們才把影片放出來。 希望大家不要被各大媒體的文章标题所誤導,被断章取义,因为那不是我们要表达的意思。 我们并没有不尊重Covid19 的病患者,相反,我们非常关心这次的疫情。我們是真心希望可以呼吁大家儘量留在家裡,照顧好自己的身體健康,才做出這個影片。 這次事件对外界帶來了很多误会,我们以後會思前顧後,注意自己的發文內容。 引起了不必要的争论和误会,浪费了新闻的篇幅去讨论这件事,真的很對不起 在這裡向大家道歉。 First & foremost, I would like to clarify that in the video film made, there is no direct linkage to the current Covid-19 pandemic outbreak that we are all facing. From the beginning of the video production, we did state that we were just making up a joke to see how our friends would respond. We also had a conversation about it on the phone that it was all just for shooting purpose of the video which meant no harm to anyone inflicted with covid-19 & in fact we only released the video after obtaining permission from our friends. I hope that the public would not be misled by the titles of the articles of major media masses & ending up misunderstanding by getting the wrong message across as the misconceived idea is that what we meant We do not disrespect patients inflicted with Covid-19 but on the contrary, we are indeed very concerned about the current crisis that we are all facing. We sincerely urge everyone to stay at home as much as possible and take good care of our health before making this video. It has caused unnecessary controversy & grieve misunderstanding as this should not be the centre of our attention. I publicly take this opportunity to make a public apology if my video content has stirred up unintended scourge or anger. Once again, I sincerely apologise for my shortcomings.

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