12 Feb 18


日前,一名网友在面子书发了一则让人恶心到吐的帖文!网友Hasler在Bukit Jalil的知名奶茶分店Tealive买了一杯大杯的珍珠奶茶。在喝到一半时,突然觉得嘴里有一条长形的jelly,当下觉得非常奇怪,于是就用手指把它拿出来!拿出来的当下直接吓傻了,这条长形的jelly竟然是一只壁虎!!!网友当下就直接把所有的珍珠都吐出来!而最恶心的是这只壁虎的尾巴已经不见了,有可能网友不小心喝下去,也有可能混杂在别人饮料里,实在太恶心了!


Ordered drinks at Tealive Bukit Jalil outlet, large classic roasted milk tea with pearl. While sipping half way thru, i was feeling weird in my mouth with my tongue when it felt like long jelly. Pearl shud be round in shape, so i took it out with my finger and it happens to be a fully formed baby lizard!!
At that instance i spit out all those pearls in my mouth and make a bigger opening on the cup to put back all those pearls. So happen i realize that the bby lizard is missing its tail!!
Lodge a complain to Tealive. Their HQ and outlet are aware on this.
Please be careful all when you drink any such kind of drinks. It can happen to anyone too!


【缘。续】When life gives you a second chance to love - a CNY 2018 short film by WECONNECT

有洋葱!爱要及时说出口!这个感人影片有让你想起了谁吗? 这个农历新年别忘了回家和家人过年! WECONNECT 祝大家 2018 合家旺旺,身体健康。 #ThisIsHowWECONNECT

Posted by 88razzi.com on Tuesday, 6 February 2018


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