林俊杰相隔5年再度来马开唱,《林俊杰“圣所”世界巡回演唱会》9月7及8日连开两场,主办单位飞凡娱乐(UnUsUal Entertainment)于今天中午12时在网上正式开票,但售票系统疑因过多人涌入而瘫痪!
许多网民因无法进入购票系统,愤怒在飞凡娱乐脸书专页怒骂,直斥若售票系统无法负荷大量购票者涌入,就应该改换售票方式,甚至还有网民直接向林俊杰所属的经纪公司JJ Lin JFJ Productions投诉,也有不少粉丝直接在留言箱标记JJ林俊杰官方面子书帐号,希望他们能正视飞凡娱乐的售票系统问题!
对于演唱会票突然停售,主办单位飞凡娱乐(UnUsUal Entertainment)对粉丝们表示深感抱歉!而就在不久前,飞凡娱乐也在官方面子书上发文,表示售票将会在7月23日(星期一)中午12PM重新开卖!
飞凡娱乐(UnUsUal Entertainment)面子书全文如下:
今天中午《林俊杰圣所世界巡回演唱会》吉隆坡站开票后,myticket.asia 系统当机,造成歌迷无法购票。
对此官方售票局 SeatAdvisor解释说是因为中午开票后发现系统涌进许多疑似黄牛党以及非法转售商。为了维护歌迷的权益以及纠正问题,所以被迫暂停售票。门票将于下星期一,7月23日,中午12点,继续开卖。
以上所造成的不便,主办单位飛凡娱乐感到非常无奈也深感抱歉, 敬请谅解。谢谢。
With regards to the disruption of tickets sales for “JJ Lin Sanctuary World Tour” Kuala Lumpur, the official ticketing agent, SeatAdvisor, has released a statement to say that they found robotic technology planted during the ticket launch at 12 noon, which could have come from scalpers or resellers. To protect fans and rectify the issue, they proceeded to suspend the online ticket sales. Ticket sales will resume again on Monday, 23 July at 12 noon.
UnUsUaL Entertainment understands the frustrations of fans and is working with the ticketing agent to rectify the issue.
Your patience and kind understanding is greatly appreciated. Thank you.