17 May 18



1. 纳吉并非Rosmah第一个丈夫

众所皆知,Rosmah在嫁给纳吉之前,曾经有过2次失败的婚姻。Rosmah爸妈是普通教师,她的第一任丈夫叫Abdul Aziz Nong Chik,生了3个孩子之后,老公还供她出国念书。

Rosmah第一任丈夫Abdul Aziz Nong Chik,也是Azreen的父亲。


2. 被亲生女儿大爆料


3. 纳吉前妻是公主

在和Rosmah结婚之前,纳吉曾经有一段婚姻,而前妻就是Puteri Zainah Iskandar。她曾是吉兰丹州皇室成员。她也是纳吉背后任劳任怨的女人,曾经为纳吉诞下3个孩子。原以为和纳吉的婚姻能够幸福美满,没想到最终在1987年离婚收场。和纳吉结婚近10年,后来纳吉在没经过她的同意下突然离婚。

4. 女婿也忍不住轰炮

罗斯玛的女婿,也是长女的Azreen的丈夫Fazley Yakoob,是一名马来艺人兼名厨,日前也在面子书力挺老婆,轰炮罗斯玛。他表示因罗斯玛的巫师指他和女儿很登对,但由于他的家人很多都是虔诚教徒,并指Azreen所生的每个儿子都会让她的能力减弱,于是棒打鸳鸯!


(Seen in the picture: The famous handshake that all of those she despises has encountered. Looks like I wasn’t spared.) . She was the one who introduced me to her daughter and matchmade us together, but when things got serious and i asked for her daughter’s hand in marriage she said no. Then she asked her witch doctors if we were good for each other. Her witch doctor said, “The boy is good for the girl and vice versa, but your power won’t work on them, his family has too many religious members of the family. For every son she has as a result of this union, your power will decrease” Guess what? All hell broke lose right after! Here is my wifes side of her story, about her own mom whom she still love so dearly. Sadly, its only one sided:. . Today marks the end of an era of tyranny that many have prayed for. I grew up looking up to these two individuals, loving them, respecting them. There was a time when i would have walked through the fires of hell and back for them. As i grew older, i saw the selfishness and greed of one above all else. I experienced firsthand emotional, physical and mental abuse at the hands of the one on the left. I witnessed firsthand the same abuse she caused onto the one on the right. . I witnessed many trespasses, deals and handshakes these two made for the benefit of power and to fuel their appetite for greed. The amount of money in briefcases exchanging hands and being spent like water not for the benefit of the rakyat but to be spent like water on jewels, bribery of officials and used in the pursuit of gaining more power. Shamans, witch doctors, aesthetic doctors and the like walking the pathways of my home for one reason or another but mostly to bring to heel and gain dominion over their peers and over their family members, even to cause harm on those who were audacious enough to cross them. The numerous offshore accounts opened to launder money out of the country for their personal spending . 👆👆👆 SWIPE LEFT FOR MORE

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5. 弟弟指罗斯玛是『忘恩负义的女人』!

相信很多人都不知道,罗斯玛也有一名弟弟Rosmanuddin Mansor。在罗斯玛成为首相夫人两个多月,网络上就出现3集题为“Rosmah Perempuan Puaka!”(罗斯玛不祥的女人)的短片,抨击她为人“忘恩负义”。

在短片中,一名自称是罗斯玛近亲的男子Mohd Arshad受访时说,自从罗斯玛在吉隆坡发迹后,就从来不曾回乡探访亲戚。一名自称是罗斯玛的阿姨也表示,他们被禁止到吉隆坡探访罗斯玛,因为他们不被允许进入她的家。

一名声称是罗斯玛邻居的Datin Che Mah指罗斯玛是一名不会“知恩图报”的人。“我们的家庭在她嫁给纳吉时给予协助,她的婚礼甚至是在我们的家举行。但当巫统在芙蓉举行集会时,她却装不认得我。“罗斯玛的弟弟Rosmanuddin Mansor表示,罗斯玛当年也没出席爸爸的葬礼。

弟弟Rosmanuddin Mansor为了证实身份,还曾经公开其身份证。身份证上的注册地址为前首相纳吉的地址。

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